Wednesday, June 13, 2012

To Prosser & Back, And The Bee

Yesterday we took Blue Goose on its longest trip ever, to Prosser and back. Another couple went with us driving a 1929 Model A Ford.We ate lunch at a Chinese restaurant and stopped by Chukar Cherries as well as a Nursery. The tour totaled 78 miles. BG performed flawlessly; it didn't overheat, there were no carburetor problems and the engine was perfect. It seems to have a lot of low end torque, punched up the hills in great fashion. So far I have driven BG a total of 182 miles since February 2011 and am now comfortable driving her anywhere in town. Once we reached a top speed of 45 mph (going downhill).

The only flaw in the trip was I got a bee sting on the top of my hand and since I am allergic to bee stings I was worried. I did have my EPI pen with me but didn't have to use it. The hand was really swollen and hurt last night but it is OK now.