Monday, October 8, 2012

Spicer PTO not Warn Overdrive

Spicer 18H (R72772)
Spicer 18H (R72772)
I have a friend who is rebuilding a 1943 Willys military jeep. In addition to his jeep he has an abundance of parts available to him in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho because his father had collected them through the years. My friend knew that I was interested in obtaining a Warn overdrive unit. He said he knew that there were two of them somewhere on the farm and he would get one for me. It took at least three trips for him to find it. He called me Saturday evening and I went to pick it up yesterday. It didn't look like what I expected it to look. The gears didn't look right and it had a shift lever on the unit. I brought it home and cleaned it up and what to my wondering eyes should appear on the name tag but SPICER MFG. CORP., TOLEDO OHIO, U.S.A., MODEL 18H, SERIAL R72772. I found the exact same unit on EBAY and discovered it was a PTO. I called my friend and told him it wasn't a Warn overdrive and he was surprised; he said his dad had mislabeled the unit. I reminded him that he said he had two units up in Coeur d'Alene and asked him if the other unit looked the Spicer 18H. He said no and so it, indeed, might be a Warn overdrive. So now I get to wait until his next trip to Coeur d'Alene, hopefully not another year. At least now he knows where the unit is.
Spicer PTO Engaged
Spicer PTO Engaged

Spicer PTO Disengaged
Spicer PTO Disengaged

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