Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blue Goose Got Heat - Almost

When I bought BG the heater didn't work. So I took it out. The radiator core looked good and it doesn't leak. The fan blade, however, had come off the motor shaft. Luckily, Mom found the set screw which holds the fan blade to the shaft. I tested the motor and it didn't turn. I took it apart and saw nothing amiss. So I buffed up the commutator, put it back together again and found that it now worked. I mounted it back in its cage and attached the fan blade. I then found that I needed to adjust the blades so that they didn't bump into anything. I put the heater assembly back in BG and tested the rheostat/switch. Although it worked it only seemed to be off or full on, nothing in between. That explains the "almost."

I found the exact switch on e-Bay and have the only bid of $8.99. In a few more hours I will find out if I win; I fully expect to. After it arrives I''ll install it and everything should work fine.

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